A fundamental aspect of a successful sustainability strategy is its integration into the company’s culture. And corporate culture directly affects the perception of the public, ie the reputation of the company. One of the transition risks is the bad reputation of the company, the cause of which is, on the one hand, a shift in consumer preferences and, on the other hand, the business activities of the company, which leads to negative effects on the environment and people, that is, on a certain group of stakeholders, for example on local communities. The consequences of such business lead to stigmatization of the sector, increased stakeholder concerns and negative stakeholders feedback.
Therefore, it is necessary to build a corporate culture of sustainability that includes all company employees. By applying the results of behavioral science research, we can make your employees aware of how to gradually change their habits and behave more sustainably, and especially the management of your company how to integrate a sustainability strategy into the corporate culture of sustainability in your company.