Women in sustainability

Zene u odrzivosti

Anita had the opportunity to share her knowledge about nudging with all the brilliant women at the ‘Women in Sustainability’ conference organized by Women in Adria on January 25, 2024 at the Lido restaurant in Zagreb.

Nudging is positive and gentle persuasion to encourage sustainable behavior. The UN Environment Program (UNEP) now embraces eviction as a strategy to help meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and protect the global environment, supported by the Behavioral Insights Team.

Nudging is based on understanding the psychology of decision-making. Much of our behavior is automatic, as we operate on auto-pilot most of the time. With knowledge of these cognitive processes, we can explicitly design choices to overcome common cognitive biases. In this way, incentives can help us transition to more sustainable lifestyles.

More about this event find out on https://www.womeninadria.com/konferencija-zene-u-odrzivosti-2024-zagreb/